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.Sunday, April 6, 2008 ' 10:38 PM
& my story begins





.Monday, March 3, 2008 ' 9:38 PM
& my story begins

lol. I know I haven't been blogging.. BUT!! What can I talk about ? lol..

Been working at my Auntie's house since Monday on the week after the Drama thing, (her house's a salon) then learnt a lot of stuff.. haha.. Eh.. Suffice to say, I picked up a skill or two.. And I learnt to 洗头!!That was something 'untouched' before, but now I'm quite good la (insist).. wahaha.. And of course the perk includes free hair cut and all. OK , shan't bore you with the details. Move on, move on!

Caught Ah long and Fool's Gold. I think both are quite nice, and there ARE parts that were hilarious, not quite like what the review said. Actually those reviews just serve as a guide, not an instruction. Everyone's taste is different, and not everyone knows how to appreciate a film in those 'artistic way', so it's best to just see it for yourself. ha.

And the guy who escaped? Everyone's been talking about him. Some think this is just a ruse by the police, some think he's gone for good. Anyway, dun really care :p

Holidays is just too much fun!! Hope it stays that way- forever holidays!!


.Thursday, February 21, 2008 ' 10:37 PM
& my story begins

The Edison Chen incident got me thinking.

It sparked off a world wide argument: Whose fault was that? Do you blame the people who chose to take those pictures, or do you put the blame on the perpetuator who posted the pictures on the Net? And before you jump to any conclusion, let's see a few points.

Firstly, the photos were obviously taken a while ago. They have up to a thousand photos, and this takes time to accumulate. And of course, the parties were willing as they readily posed in front of the camera. So, while those photos were locked in Edison's laptop, did anything happened? All was fine, until he went to the technician's for repairs. Soon after the posted pictures culminated in everyone's attention towards Edison, and their pointing fingers. Deliberate. Didn't you started blaming Edison after you knew about it?

Secondly, those weren't even intended for public viewing. It was an accident that allowed such scandalous photos to be on the Net. Now be honest with yourself. How many of us, upon hearing of the availability of the photos, went to check them up for ourselves? So if Edison is considered promiscous, doesn't it make you lascivous too? So who are we to blame him?

God didn't make anyone perfect. If we can launch the Yellow Ribbon Campaign to accept ex-convicts back into our society, surely we can accept Edison's behaviour? Granted, this may be a negative example to follow, and some 'innocent' teenagers may be more tempted to 'eat the forbidden fruit' now, not to mention that the female parties involved are seriously disturbed by this incident. So what, I say?

If teenagers follow the trend, then doesn't education have to shoulder some responsibility too? It doesn't take one hand to clap; if teenagers are so 'innocent' as to follow EVERY thing we see, then there wouldn't have wars. Besides, don't we praise kis for being precocious nowadays? Next, about the emotional stress of the female parties. They were obviously fine when they took the photos, so who's to blame? Those who point the accusing finger, of course! Those who keep condemning Edison and causing him this problem now. And those 'inquisitive ones' among us who made sure the female parties received LOTS of attention. Now you say, who's to blame?

And Edison has quitted from the entertainment industry, because of this. I'm not an ardent fan of his, but I think it weird that he has to do this because of his behaviour. What about those of us who visit brothels, or those who kill people, or commit crimes?

I'm just sad to say that this incident has just revealed lots of ugly sides of human. To probe into others' problems, to cause them this problem, to make sure they 'receive the right punishment', to make sure they are embarrassed to the core. What for? 'Oh, just for fun. Just to see lor.' Ugly, I say. Ugly.


.Saturday, February 16, 2008 ' 11:21 PM
& my story begins

Had Drama production at Ah Liang's office on Wednesday. And this dark photo shows SH. haha. Try to see ( you can click on the image and enlarge). Qualityof phone has been bad, after god knows how many times it fell on the floor.

Recent creation. Quite glam, I know. haha. And the quality of the phone is actually quite ok, believe it or not. But that was before I dropped it the last time. Anyway, I may buy a camera to take these photos, after I've got enough EXTRA cash.

Anyway, 'P.S. I LOVE YOU' isn't all that good, as they all said it was!! The storyline's not that strong, and you keep having recurrent parts about the past that leaves audience thinking if those were the present. Then all of a sudden many letters come and the widow just got herself hooked to a man in the end. I know this sounds bad as a review, but I actually slept for the last 10 mins of the show. And I didn't sleep when I watched 'Open Season' 1 year plus ago. ( That was when Norman slept like many many times)
Next Friday's the day to choose our electives!! And god knows how many 'kiasu' people there will be who will arrive early just to get the modules they want. *hai* Plus the SPH talk after that isn't going to help alleviate the deary feeling. It's not helping.
Dorcus!! Your cupcake is nice la!! OMG.. Do make more!! haha =))


.Saturday, February 9, 2008 ' 9:50 PM
& my story begins

Well well, look who we have here. Someone's clearly been so out of touch with the cyberspace that the vortex has almost laid to waste. Almost, not totally. So I'm here to resurrect it.

Hectic week? Yes, of course. Monday was another Drama lesson and Psycho lecture. We had our groups formed and ideas thought of. Now it's the developing stage. Then the results were released during lecture, and we went home rather early. That was for the tests on Tuesday, which went quite well, I guess. Definitely easier than the previous ones, but as for results... It remains to be seen.

Then it was CNY eve on Wed!! Went over to Ah ma house to collect the dyes, then realised they were kept in my room cupboard =.= Mum wanted to cut her 'french' , then in the end I brought Joey back with me and I spent 3 hours dyeing, cutting, straightening and cutting. Yes, Joey has shorter hair now. And they actually wanted something like my style for her. Quite dumb.
Had reunion dinner at night, over at Ah ma House.

Thursday I wore my tie!! And the shirt. So the overall effect was quite 'student-y'. Anyway the whole day was spent going to various places to get ang baos. 小姨 also 心痒痒, so I had to create this new look for her. Ya, hair.

Friday I went out with the Cheapskate Family. lol. Spent the whole day at AMK Hub, watching CJ7 and eating, playing at Nebo. They have so many board games we spent 3 hours at Nebo for dinner. Then we went back at around 10 plus.

Saturday was another busy day. =.= The only thing was going to Kovan for a photoshoot which 小姑 arranged. We had to do our hair, make-up, dress impeccably. Ya. The prep work was fun, and the shooting part was so zz. Had to pose weirdly, and tilt this angle and that. Anyway, my creative work was shown on Mum's head, cos the other people were either too busy doing other stuff (mostly), having oldies style that they can easily create (Dad) or thinking they already look fabulous, when the whole 比例 is just wrong (won't say who). ha~~ ya I'm laughing.

Busy busy. Photos uploading soon. Gonna stay 'un-busy' for now.


.Saturday, February 2, 2008 ' 11:02 PM
& my story begins

Ok, fine, I'm blogging. Partly 'cos culture-what-the-crap is killing. I have no idea how memorising all these stuff that we're going to forget later will help us in the future. Firstly, there is the lack of interest, which means that unless you seriously consider it beneficial, you won't retain it in your brain. Which means that you'll forget most of it later on, which is my second point. Conclusion? Argh, irritating and totally retarded of Oni.

This week's been fun, though!! Recap:

Mon: Finished class early, and went home straight. haha
Tues: Finished class wayyy early after AT2, so headed to Sim Lim to buy the DS cartridge. Kind me helped Jane buy too. haha.
Wed: Stayed at home, played the whole day. It's a wonder how I didn't rot. Probably 'cos Heaven decided I was a fine specimen of human that can't be 'wasted'. waha~
Thurs: Pretty much that too.
Friday: Yes, I also stayed at home. zz
Sat: Went to cousin's house for appointment. haha. Aunt fetched me early in the morning and I stayed there till 7 plus, then we headed to J8 for dinner.
Then retard Manfred did something. He switched on the flash of his phone camera and started shooting in the car. Got scolded by everyone while I was the only one laughing like mad. Cos there was this sudden flash in the car and aunt was thinking 'what happened?' .

That's about all. Another appointment tmr. And endless hours of studying to fulfill but I'm not even close to finishing. Screw NQ. For allocating 2 tests on the same day, which is the eve of CNY eve.



.Saturday, January 26, 2008 ' 10:37 PM
& my story begins










.Thursday, January 24, 2008 ' 10:13 PM
& my story begins

Just realised I haven't blogged for a while!! So this is some random photos I took with my phone~~

This is the legendary cupboard that I sat next to in Sec 4. Pasted lots of post-it-pads filled with spells and drawings. ha~

Ponned class today and headed to Marina. This was my lunch, from the food court upstairs.

That's Joey posing behind the sofa. She was playing some character games with.. erm.. you need not know.. haha~

And that's zhi zhang Manfred, my cousin. Playing 偷拍 with the phone. So I played along, and made this hee-lirious photo. heh~~

Anyway, the sem is ending!! haha.. so fast!! And 1 more assignment down tmr when we hand in the culture essay.. Plus, it's FRIDAY!! Weekends coming.. haha~~

Have fun people!! CNY's coming!! 恭喜发财!!


.Saturday, January 19, 2008 ' 4:45 PM
& my story begins

这是我一整年做过最无聊的一件事。-said by KC.

LOL. Cos we went to NP open house on Thurs as we had to send this cake over to SH, since her friend's birthday was around those few days. Anyway, we rushed down and to our dismay there weren't many people around the room. =.= Got pretty bored soon, and seeing Clement's half-asleep face put me to sleep too. Almost, anyway. And I didn't get a goodie bag!! So stop mocking at me.. waha.

And went over to Huisi's house for rebonding on Wednesday, as there was no lesson. Must say it's pretty good, heh. Though the smell of her head gone unwashed for 1 day plus must have made her want to faint.

Then ah ma had her hair permed today. Results were quite good too!! haha~~ There was this joke also.
Me:aiya, just call the stapler and ask where you misplaced it!
Joey:ok ah... What's the no.?
Me:erm.. 631..
Me: How you know?
Joey: That's 2nd aunt's hse no. wad!!
Me:That's yr hse no.!!

haha.. joker. She's still busily searching for her stapler now, I guess.

And heading over to SH's house for her sister's rebonding tmr. So seeya:)

Then Tues is someone's turn also. I'm SOOO busy!! haha.. And hols is coming! But the pile of homework has yet to be done. Just lack the oomph-ness to do it ba.. Anyway.. Mon's another 4 hours of break and Quiz 3.. So jiayou ba!! haha..



.Tuesday, January 15, 2008 ' 8:30 PM
& my story begins

Tuesday!! A lot of weird stuff happened, which I shall elaborate below. haha~~

We went Bukit Timah Plaza, Fillet, Jane, Huilin and I. And the walk there was excruciatingly hot, with the sweltering sun boiling us. Seeing our dear Fillet STILL in a jacket, I started to ask ' not hot ar?'
Her reply was 'yesss..... omg'

Was laughing away~~ Of course being kind me, I helped her with her jacket while she took it off.

And we reached the plaza in due course. There was this maid agency beside and we went in, to find the employer and 1 maid. So the interview session began. Shan't say much about this.

And the sweltering heat continued to make our journey painfully hot (pun intended). We reached school library at 2 plus, which was still SOOO early!! Gosh.. The people are already setting up the boards for the open house, which runs from Thurs to Sat. And the so-called celebrities? There're only Paul, Renfred and Daphne. Not much to see. -.-

No school for this week!! But there're still many assignments due soon, and tests coming up!! JIAYOU!! :))








.Saturday, January 12, 2008 ' 5:52 PM
& my story begins

Dorcas: Did I ask you? haha~~ And I was so kind to help the old folks la.. haha.. And I'll be buying the curler iron la!! So tempting.. hehe

Jane: ok!! haha~~ So kind of you.. Anyway cos I'm broke ma.. haha..

And it's a rainy, nice day!! So happy!! Bought this planner and had my shopping list mapped out =.= It's a lot.. Way to go.. hai.. haha


.Friday, January 11, 2008 ' 10:50 PM
& my story begins

A lot of weird things happened today, which I must blog about:

Morning: went to cash in money into my account (Jane!! Haven't transfer the money la!! haha) and there was this uncle who came up to me.

Uncle:Can help me? I dunno how to use.
So I finished with mine and helped him with his deposit. Then the auntie behind came and asked for help too!
Auntie: Can help me? I dunno how to use also.
Me: Erm.. Ok.
So I ended up being good Samaritan. Didn't even peek at their pass book !! haha~~

Went to Vivo and saw Ben Yeo and the Starsearch 2007 gal filming a show. Was at the shop beside PAGE ONE. And there were some young actors there too. Didn't even feel like going up to take photos, ha~~ and no one did.
I can't find my book!! ><>

Then after going to the Pet Shop, there was this guy with American accent who came up and asked which way to go to Sentosa. Of course I said 'downstairs'. Then he confusedly led his friends downstairs. Then I realised 'OH NO!! The directories pointed to the left direction!!' Which meant going down was uncalled for. That was so hilarious.. =.= But I made a fool of myself.

Went to Courts and saw so many new gadgets!! There was this curler cum straightener in 1, which sold for around $50. So worth it! And the newer form of old culrler, (imagine ah ma with head full of curlers sleeping ) which is heated and taken off after 15 mins of application. So cool! No more 1-2 hours of waiting.. haha.. Sorry Fillet!

And much as I hate to say, the new assignment is out =.= =.= Translation. NQ's so enthusiastic lo. zz.


.Tuesday, January 8, 2008 ' 9:18 PM
& my story begins

Ooh.. Tuesday again!! Used to look forward to Tuesday, when I had lessons in the afternoon and the time would just fly past. Literally. No longer.. It's hell-day every Tuesday MORNING.

It began with Oni wearing some flea market shirt and seriously wrong attire =.= And she always thinks herself as being so classy. Plus when your clothes are more figure-hugging, you WILL appear thinner. Even a belt at the waist can do that, much less the whole attire. So does oni have to senselessly say 'Oh you look thinner' ?=.=

Mood-spoiling.And she was onto her preaching of how she'll personally monitor the attendance. If she doesn't do that, who will? lol. Her lessons were spent on watching Youtube, checking Friendster (that was hilarious) and chi-chatting. Lots of 'em. And I think everyone just sort of dozed off. Figuratively. ha.

Anyway, back to my main point. IT'S MY 1STANNIVERSARY NEXT WEDNESDAY!! :))))
The day I attended my 1st lesson.
Never will forget, haha.

And I was straightening SH's hair yesterday. There seemed to have some girls opposite on the staircase landing staring at us. TRYING to be low profile, she started screaming!! lol~~ Shan't elaborate more. haha.

I'm happy!! :)))
Not because I saw SOMEONE'S blue lace bra yesterday. I was cursed for 1 day =.=


.Saturday, January 5, 2008 ' 10:13 PM
& my story begins

I don't understand how some people can be so OBSTINATE. If someone doesn't want to talk to you, there must be something wrong between the 2 of them.

If someone is upset with you, why can't you accept that fact? You think it's funny to come home and say ‘他很废,他最废’in front of me? When I did not do anything? And you claim that's just why, cos I did nothing, that's why I'm 废.

I'm really pissed off lo. Sorry la!! I didn't bring in the clothes, SO? BIG DEAL la.. I did boil the water lo.. Did you even notice that? And you had to say '哦,我不能教他了,要请别人。’请个屁啦!I'm already 18 lo... Bitch of the year...

It's already bad enough that you don't want to admit it was YOU who was wrong. 算了。。But you had to imply that I was at fault? And what did I do? Nothing! Since when did doing nothing become a crime?

Have you even thought what I do as useful? All you want is a RAFFLES student.. SORRY lo.. I dun even want to be that kind of nerd la.. And seriously, 行行出状元。。I don't really care lo.. I'm starting to miss NS.. it's been the latest craze with me..


I just broke another record FOR YOU. I dun use Singlish on my blog, but then again, classy English dun fit you. GO HELL WITH ONI LA.



. ' 5:01 PM
& my story begins

Got home quite late yesterday, as I was out and about at Jurong area. Then after I opened my comp and was msn-ing with Fillet, she told me this sudden news:

MC King is dead!!!

Yes, he is. Not kidding. Was rather shocked as I saw him in March last year at Paragon (not calling myself) and he was dead all of a sudden. Sometimes it just feels weird that people around you can leave you without any notice. For him, many will remember his jokes and funny acts. Those in the entertainment sector will miss him for all the fun he brought to them. He was a gifted comedian who entertained us all, and let's hope his family can pull through.


Ok, I must say, Jurong is huge!! Went to Frontier CC, which houses the Jurong library. It was 3 stories high-.- and nothing like the small excuse we have for a library here at SK. And it was raining all of a sudden, I had to run like mad!! Not forgetting my heavy bag of books that made me clumiser.. hai.

And that's all. Busy with my show, like always. haha.


.Wednesday, January 2, 2008 ' 10:00 PM
& my story begins

New Year!! And the start of the next half of the 2nd semester... It's gonna be another holidays soon!! haha..

Finished 2 tests today, and feeling superbly. And fantastic. Gonna indulge in a bit of self-pleasure.

BYE!!! :))))


.Monday, December 31, 2007 ' 4:50 PM
& my story begins

I dont' even know what to say, except...


As of tomorrow, it will be a brand new year, with a new month, and many new beginnings. Cousins are going Sec 4, Sec 1, and P1.. All monumental steps in their path along education.. So JIAYOU!!

And to my BELOVED friends, STAY HAPPY!! haha.. And we shall see more of each other in the new year.. The individual blessings have already been posted below, so take a look!

Much as 2006 hadn't been that smooth-sailing, 2007 was certainly a NICER year. In fact, much better! The new school term would have been 'emotionally-decapitating' hadn't it been for dear Fillet.. haha~~ Then I made many new friends, enemies (this just means the class' common enemies, whom I shalln't name) and had a GREAT time!! Especially since everyone was rather friendly and not at all snobbish like CERTAIN people in CERTAIN jc. And the atmosphere is just fun, and forever FESTIVE! So ya, it's a joy going to school now.

And only 2 more days to school opening, so just have fun and chill LOTS!!~ Let's get blessed now, haha~~

Guided spirits hear our plea,
send your blessings for us to see.
Be you near or be you far,
let your powers reach us from afar.

CHEERS people, have a GREAT 2008!! :)) (no, it's not double-chin, just means smile more)


.Friday, December 28, 2007 ' 8:18 PM
& my story begins

'From my heart, to You 2'
Bet you've been waiting for this post~~ haha.. Well if you had received the notification, then of course you have had something to look for forward to. And for those whose names aren't here, maybe we'll have a chance to know each other better next year? haha.

Here goes:

To YinLam: Hey!! haa.. I know, we've been kinda busy, so the letter thing just sorta stopped. But I still consider you a great friend!! And Thanks for your support in everything!! Wishing you a great year ahead and success in your future endeavours!! :)

To Dorcas (aka Fish): I'm kind!! haha.. Your 2nd time here, but doesn't mean I've lesser gratitude. Instead, thanks for your encouragement and help!! For not being 'scared of being my model', for always getting 'customers' for me, like your mum, Eunice, Sheryl, Mat, Elias... Yes I remember. Though you were sometimes sceptical, I know I could always count on you!! THANKS ALOT!! And for once, I agree that ZR is handsome (a hunk beyond this world). Just this once. haha~~ :))

To Jane: GAOXIAO!! haha.. Though you don't say much, I know you're just as gaoxiao as SH la. And don't get too pissed off Green Oni, cos it'll only make you sick. More. haha~~ Good luck in being a teacher next time, and earn lots!! haha.. So you don't have to keep pestering SOMEONE for the $300 plus he owes you.. lol.. AND thanks for the card!! haha.. MERRY X'MAS too!! :)

To SH: LOL!! (no I'm not calling you..haha) 1st of all, thanks for your nicely drawn card!! hee.. And thanks for supporting me and believing in my skills!! haha.. Promise I'll keep improving de!! Joy to have you around.. Always so gaoxiao, and doing crazy stuff.. But your singing skills really pack a punch!! haha~~ You're just a great friend, and I mean it in all forms of the word.. JIAYOU for next year!! hahah .. and FRIENDS FOREVER!! :)

To Sarah: The Power of Three will curse you!! haha.. Anyway, I remember doing projects with you.. Was great fun, and though we don't get FANTASTICALLY well, it's still good enough. haha.. Nice working with you.. And always being the source( read: butt) of the joke, and entertaining people around.. waha~~ No, I'm not laughing at you.. Credits to your drawing and linguistic skills... so JIAYOU ba!! And hopefully you won't be too clumsy from now on.. LOL :)

To MQ: Another source of jokes.. waha~~ I'm not referring to you SAYING them, but instead.. nvm.. haha.. Was fun hanging out with you during the last times we went out, and thanks for being a supportive confidante!! Though you were blur.. you were still a BIG help in those modules I was (am) weak at.. So I don't have to repeat.. waha~~~ Let's strive hard together next year !! :)

To KC: woo~~ haha.. Thanks for sharing the great times we had together.. And helping whenever you could, especially my skills.. haha.. Without your jokes, magazines, and listening ears, this year would have been different. Very. And for not judging me on my weird behaviour( ok, I admit) , and zhi zhang xing wei that occurs SOMETIMES (insist) you're a great friend not many are blessed to have! haha.. So .. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! And a 'smoose' (smooth) year ahead! Blessed be.. :)

To Huisi (aka sis): Don't insist you're not fierce!! haha.. Cos you do let people get wary of you.. Anyway,we had some great times.. Like the merlion joke, then Marilyn Monroe, and the ice cream MIXTURE at Yuki Yaki.. haha.. So, know you're busy.. Working.. So just JIAYOU and earn lots ok!! And hook a HUNK sometime soon!! Just don't let your desire get the better of you (ie. no PRE-MARITAL SE*) kidding!! ..haha :)

To Peini: erm.. Always insisting your school's better, which I'm not sure of.. And I know that last highlight wasn't successful.. haha.. Apologize for that.. Anyway.. we had fun together!! Esp when sec sch means nothing more than endless study for O's, you made it worthwhile that I went to XMS. haha~~ Still owe you an outing, I'll remember that!!Along with the tube joke.. (u rmb right?) And thanks for celebrating my birthday!! haha.. and watching Spiderman 3 tgt.. For all you've done, you are a TRULY great friend!! Good luck for your studies!! haha :))

To Helen: You and your German dream.. But dreams are good, so work hard ya? haha.. sure that you can achieve it.. Along with your wish that the Cheapskate Family will always be Best Friends!! haha.. I've the neo-prints to prove it.. Hope you had fun in Indonesia, and I'm certainly looking forward to our next outing!! CHEERS TO YOU!! :))

Norman: Stop the SIA joke!! haha.. Though it was funny.. Anyway.. thanks for being there during my difficult times, and taking on the hairdressing course also.. Of course we didn't attend the same class, but you sure had fun laughing at Ricky.. His pronunciation.. nvm.. JIAYOU!! You're also perpetually busy, so hopefully it'll be fruitful.. A's next year, so please work hard!! haha.. If you do make it to Mass Comm.. Well.. Whatever course, I wish you gd luck!! And don't forget your friends !! (me, esp) Lastly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :))

Liying: You're blur.. Yes you are.. But sometimes you just make good jokes.. haha.. And thanks for trusting me once before.. Though there wasn't much change.. But I still insist you look good with a bob, so you might want to consider.. And remind me when YaLun's show starts!! haha.. HAPPPY NEW YEAR!! :)

Mrs Koh: hey!! Know that it'll be a better year for you in 2008, with a new working place and all.. But I was lucky to have you teach me in 2006.. Thanks for igniting my passion in English.. And for caring about my endless essays, which I was sure bored you quite a bit. But you'll always be a teacher I respect, and that'll never change. Have a great year ahead!! :)

Ms Lim: hello!! haha.. Psychology class is nearly the only module I enjoy this sem, credits to you. And for always being so patient with my myriad journal drafts and poem.. you've been a great teacher!! haha.. So even if this sem's ending in a few weeks' time, I'll still remember you as the teacher who cared. Thanks lots!! :)

Finally I'm done. But it doesn't end here. Oh no. Our friendship will go way beyond, and hopefully it'll be smooth-sailing for everyone! LOts of Love, Joy, and Fun with your guys around!! Let it end here:

For those who seek the light,
I now set it in this night.
Let our love fill the air,
for those who see,
those who are blissed.



.Wednesday, December 26, 2007 ' 10:52 PM
& my story begins

I'm back, and ecstatic!!!

HAPPY BOXING DAY!!! haha~~ In case you don't know, it's the day after X'mas Day. And as mentioned in last year's post on this day, I'm still hoping for S'pore to snow. Though it won't happen =.= But it's still a dream....

Got some cards and gifts, along with many well-wishes.. Thx people:) haha.. Hope everyone had a wonderful magical holiday......


Whether you like it or not, I'm sure Witch replies your e-mail, and there's alot to do for Translation. Plus, there're tests coming up... hai.. :( Never mind, just enjoy your hols!!



.Tuesday, December 25, 2007 ' 10:47 AM
& my story begins

I hate it... Why get this Feng Shui Shi to come on X'mas Day, then help me check my fortune without my permission first? WORST of all, why are you people JUDGING me based on the reading? zz..



~Ngee Ann Poly CHS
~depression from last year
~but seriously dying to be a stylist
~17 going on 18
~happily married to my scissors
~insists i'm humorous
~call me when u nid a hairdo!!
~BDAE:7 MAY.. rmb!

Create your own countdown!


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